HexaBrains is a cognitive computing company providing 360 degree full scope tech backbone services. We are purpose driven professionals living on the promise of HiTech advantage. At VistaBrains, we think ingenuity, we breath ideas, we drive change, we deliver innovation and we provide peace of mind. Our clients rely on us for their tech needs.
HexaBrains strive to provide and maintain the interconnection capabilities for the clouds. We believe it serves as a business enabler fostering multiple cloud connectivity where shared resources and information can be transacted seamlessly.
Predictive analysis of the system’s performance is vital for the seamless operability. HexaBrains Cloud Metrics empower business leaders with the essential data right-on-time to measure and monitor a spectrum of elements affecting cloud performance.
HexaBrains power MARTSMART, a cloud based marketplace destined to promote hybrid e-Commerce in today’s dynamic world. Our cloud market also populates tools, applications, instruments and cutting edge algos for the real world deployment.